
Tuesday, August 15, 2006

When Parents Disapprove

Some parents think their teens are too young to date. No everyone agrees at which age dating is okay. Parents may have trouble accepting that their teens are ready to date. Those parents may try to control a teens normal urge to be independent.

It can be hard to have parents do not want you to date. Some teens disobey their parents. They date secretly. That can cause tension and lessen the joy of dating. Other teens try to prove to their parents that they are mature enough to date. They might show this by following the curfew their parents set. Such an action can help parents see that their teens are responsible.

Some parents disapprove of the specific person their son or daugther wants to date. Parents may think someone is too old, too sexy, too rich or too poor. Some parents do not want their teens to date anyone from a different religion or race.

Mix-race dating may be an issue for some parents. No laws probihit interracial relationships. However, many mixed-race couples experience prejudice.

Teens may find parents have some good reasons for their concern. Sometimes love makes it hard for a person to see the faults in someone he or she is dating.


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