
Monday, September 25, 2006

Crushes Can Be A Safe Way To Learn About Love

Crushes from afar can sometimes be helpful. Many teens admire musicians, actors or athletes. Chances are, you will never meet the star you dream about. However, you may learn to adjust to the strong feelings you have. You may become comfortable with the feeling of being
attracted to someone. Then you can set your sights on someone you really can meet or may already know.

It also is normal to have a crush on someone close to you. For example, you may have a crush on someone in your class or office. It can be fun to imagine what relationship would be like with that person. You may choose to keep your crush a romantic dream. Maybe you want to try to get to now him or her. Sometimes getting to know the person destroys the dream. Other times getting to know someone is more fun than a dream.

You Do Not Have To Figure Out Whether It's Love

The line between like and love may not be clear. Sometimes that does not matter. You can
like a person a great deal without knowing for certain if you are in love. Two people can be happy together and have a deep crush on one another. A person does not have to be truly in love to care for someone.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Is It A Crush, Or Is It Love?

Love is a powerful feeling. One day love can make you feel wonderful. The next day it can disappoint you and make you feel miserable. How do you know if you are in love? How can you tell the difference between infatuation, or a crush, and love?

It's hard to distinguish between a crush and love. Usually the difference between the two becomes clear over time. In the beginning, you may feel strong emotions for someone. If those feelings fade within a few weeks, however, they probably were not feelings of love. The following chart contrasts a crush and love;

Monday, September 18, 2006

Tips For Sucessful Dating - Part 5

Take Time For Yourself & For Other Fiends

It is natural to want to spend lots of time with a boyfriend or girlfriend. However, it's important to maintain other relationships you already have. Your other friends matter. You are who you are partly because of friends.

It's important to make time foe yourself too. Everyone needs some time alone. You need time to do the things you like such as reading mysteries or listening to your favorite music. If you can learn to enjoy being alone, it can help you all of your life.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Tips For Successful Dating - Part 4

Avoid Tricky Situations

Dating usually fun. However, it also can be dangerous or scary. The best way to have a good time is to avoid dangerous situations. When a relationship is starting, it is a good idea to do activities as a group. Many people double date or group date. That way, they are not alone with a person whom they are just getting to know.

It also is smart to do things in public places like restaurants, movie theaters, parks or skating rinks. It is a mistake to go to lonely or isolated areas on a date. That could put you in danger. Your date could force you to do something you do not want to do. Too often, girls are forced to have sex with their dates. This is called date rape. It is a serious problem that happens to teens and adult.

It also is a good idea NOT to drink alcohol or use other drugs during a date. The influence of alcohol and other drugs can make it hard to think clearly. You may end up doing something embarrassing or dangerous. You may throw up. You may say things you do not mean. You may end up having unprotected sex. Alcohol and other drugs can blur thinking and change behavior. It is best not to do things that make you lose control.

Fast Fact

Most rapes happen to people between the ages of 15 and 25. Most rapes between two people know each other.